Son can repeat alphabets when I say them aloud. But he can mange to say N, O, P, Q, R, S, Y, Z by himself. (He confused between S and X and he can't really say the SSSssss sound as well as W). He likes to skip numbers for example when I say five, he doesn't want to say five but rather six, as well as number nine. He'll skip straight to number ten. Talk about doing his own ways!
Following are the words that he can pronounce on the day before his second birthday.
English words (87 words)
Apple, Boat, Pumpkin, Penguin, Beach, Mole, Go, Come, Nice, Hat, Helmet, Spoon, Kick, Hi, Bye, Rain, Wet, Bird, Owl, Leopard, Snake, Bear, Elephant, Sheep, Horse, Cat, Dog, Rabbit, Bee, Ant, Fish, Turtle, Duck, Pig, Shoe, Take, Throw, Put, Bag, One, Two, Three, Five, Six, Eight, Ten, Open, Aeroplane, Car, Key, Ice cream, Key, Yoyo, Pain, Flower, Ball, Egg, Jump, Hot, Cold, Dirty, Uncle, Auntie, Blanket, Close, Meat, Vege, Baby, Truck, Open, Drink, Daddy, Mummy, Eye, Nose, Ear, Mouth, Armpit, Hair, Hand, Leg, Water, Good, Drink, Moon, Star, Sun
Baby words (26 words)
Cho (Sit), Yum (Delicious), Gai gai (Outing), Ang Gyu (Thank you), Pom pom (Bath), Go go (Elder brother), Je je (Elder Sister), Oo Oii (Sleep), Ahvie (Heavy), Mach (Stomach), Pu pu (Motorbike), Nen nen (Milk), Shh (Pee), Ugh (Poo), Aarr (Lion), Ar Ger (Tiger), Kok kok (Hammer), Uhg Arg (Gorilla), Gog Gor (Chicken), Mamina (Ribena), Gong gong (Maternal Grandfather), Kung kung (Paternal Grandfather), Ah Ma (Maternal Grandmother), Mama (Paternal Grandmother), Rattan (Cane), Bobo (Carry)
Mandarin word (which is used at least 30 times a day)
Bu Yao (Don't Want)
21 months old, leaning on the height chart |