Friday, May 18, 2012

30 months

Son is 30 months and 1 day old. 2 and half years old.

Weight : 15.4kg.  Height : 100cm.

He's started making conversations with us.
"I want sweet" His favourite sentence. "Twinkle twinkle little star" is the only song he can sing in full.

While he graduated from writing on the wall, he had started touching and slamming the TV screen. Sometimes, when he watched violent scene or a Sabre tooth running after a three-horned deer in Ice Age 3, he might slammed or touched the TV screen. In showing his dislike towards those videos.

Screaming, shrieking, a new act of  "Pooh pooh" (probably learnt from the kids in his Taska) are norms done by Son. And every hour or so, he'll search for sweets and He-knows-what-stuff in the fridge.

I have to stand next to him. Or else, he'll attempt to take those medications stored in the fridge. No, I can't pull him away and risk being yelled and hit by Son. Despite telling him that there are no more sweet and offering him fruits, he will still want to open the fridge door.

30 months and 1 day old

Friday, May 11, 2012

I want to go outside

Son wore shoes by himself
 Son insisted that he wanted to go outside. "I want to go outside" He repeated himself several times. We tried to coerce him to stay indoor but to no avail. He had decided to play outside of the house.

"BICYCLE" I had taken my motorbike's key to ride with him. He only wanted his bicycle. He cried. He begged. He insisted. He wanted his bicycle with him. Outside the house.

He sat at the door. Crying. He wanted to go outside with his bicycle at all cost. The problem is the bicycle had never left the house. It's not dirtied with outside 'elements'. Wife finally gave permission for the bicycle to be ridden outside the house.

Son leapt with joy. "YEAH" he cried. Our heart melted seeing his happiness.

Almost done
 Son wore his shoes in a jiffy. And he didn't forget his animal toys. He wanted them with him despite us scolding him repeatedly that the toys stayed inside the house.

Son didn't leave his animals behind
We gave in to his wants. He packed them all into his 'storage compartment'.

Full load of animals

Here we go!

Bicycle to House: I'm departing
 Without looking back, with all smiles, he rode off.

House to Bicycle : Have a safe journey, Captain

Captain Darrien
 Along the journey, with me tagging behind, he saw a dog. He was scared of it.

Dog at sight
 Needless to say, tears flowed.
I don't want Dog
 He came down from his tricycle and waited for the animal to run off.

Shoo.. Shoo..


Bicycle to House : Prepare to land
 One of the many reasons for me to be a stay-at-home Dad.
29 months 26 days

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Son does not like to share his belongings to anyone. The boy next door who normally hit him or scratch his face has no chance of touching Son's toys. Son will be screaming his heart out while trying to get back his toy. Last week, Wife's nephew came for a visit. Though Son let him played his bicycle, it wasn't for long. Ten minutes later, he'll want to ride it. When the older boy stacked the Lego blocks, he would want to take them back in a short while. Despite my constant sayings of  "Share. Share", it was of no use. However, Son doesn't mind to share his things to adults. The moment my in-laws came into our living room, Son would be handing his precious toys to them. As if it was as a gesture of friendship.

24 months and 11 days old, Getting ready for a wedding dinner

Monday, November 28, 2011


Seeing Son chewing his teat with his molar teeth boils my blood. Every 3 months or so, we need to change his teats. One of our friends told us that her toddler used to chew the teats too. Despite being threatened, he chewed his teats happily. As soon as I noticed him chewing away, I would took his bottle away and there went the loud screams.

The new teats
Sometimes, he will look for me out of his eyes' corner and smile cheekily whenever i stare at him angrily. And he will move away from me and chew his teat even more eagerly. 

The ruined teat

At any time, he has three spare bottles. As soon as the first teat is ruined, the rest will follow in a short time. That's nerve wrecking.

A badly chewed teat

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Son behaved well in a wedding ceremony

It has always been a nightmare taking out Son for a short walk in the mall or a meal in a restaurant. He doesn't seem to be able to sit on the baby chair for more than 15 minutes. But, I must say he had put on his best manners throughout a church wedding.

Notice his shorter hair?
 As we entered the church, he played with the flower girls. I had to constantly remind him to shake hands only. Nothing more than that. No hugs. No clothes pulling. No hitting.

 As the ceremony progressed on, he stood quietly on the bench. He would look at all the people around him. Of course, he would sit and play with the hymn books. Any attempt of stopping him would end up with screams and shrieks. At least I needed not to chase him around the church.

He wore his bag filled with his water bottle and extra clothes during the whole ceremony

 An hour passed by without much fanfare and I let a sigh of relief. No huffs and puffs.

24 months and 11 days old, St. Thomas Cathedral, Kuching

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Throughout these two years, I remembered Son only had four haircuts. Though there were occasional minor haircuts by his Mummy, at the sides and the front part, it's impossible to get him to sit still and had the whole process done. He couldn't have the feel of the scissors touching his skin and simply didn't want anyone to cut his hair. Except his Gong Gong and probably his aunt.

17 months old, Haircut in Sibu
22 months old, Haircut in Miri

 It's been months since the last haircut by his grandpa. He's coming to Kuching today and I had asked Son.

Daddy  :  How's your hair?
Son      :  Long
Daddy  : Who is going to cut your hair?
Son      :  Gong Gong

We'll see later. 

24 months old

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sleeping positions

Son just slept around 1 p.m. after two hours of Barney's songs. He had 13 ounces of milk since 6.30 a.m., five spoonfuls of rice with chicken soup, a packet of SkyFlakes biscuits, his daily dose of Vitamin C and a teaspoon of medicine for his running nose. 

I had expected some tantrums to be thrown but Son had been very obedient for the past few days. I just couldn't take my eyes off him while he slept. Son had grown a lot. He's already 95 cm. Taller than any child of his age. The neighbour who lives opposite our place always laments why her grandson (a month older) is thinner and smaller than Son. Personally, I reckon that making comparisons between toddlers is not healthy but it's story for another day.

Son can sleep in many positions such as Soldier position (on his back with both arms at his sides)

13 months old, Miri

Son can sleep in Log position (on his side with arm down the side)

17 months old, Sibu

But sleeping while standing?

20 months old, Kuching

 Door-guard position

23 months old, Kuching

Dare-you-to-touch position

24 months and 7 days old, Kuching