Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Son does not like to share his belongings to anyone. The boy next door who normally hit him or scratch his face has no chance of touching Son's toys. Son will be screaming his heart out while trying to get back his toy. Last week, Wife's nephew came for a visit. Though Son let him played his bicycle, it wasn't for long. Ten minutes later, he'll want to ride it. When the older boy stacked the Lego blocks, he would want to take them back in a short while. Despite my constant sayings of  "Share. Share", it was of no use. However, Son doesn't mind to share his things to adults. The moment my in-laws came into our living room, Son would be handing his precious toys to them. As if it was as a gesture of friendship.

24 months and 11 days old, Getting ready for a wedding dinner

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